Acts 2

I read Acts 2 today and was completely overtaken by this verse!!

"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."

Be blessed - Bless others

Priceless Treasure

Priceless treasure, Jesus the Christ
The jewel of my searching demands my life

So I bow to You, and I kneel to You, You have my heart

Oh, marvelous Savior, You came down from heaven to us
Oh, beautiful treasure, You made us His daughters and sons
Oh, that we could reflect You, show You to the world that You love
Jesus the Christ

You are my gain in death or in life
My quest is to know You, my god, my delight

Jesus, whom have I in heaven, but You
And having You, I desire nothing on earth


I have come to this conclusion:
Denton is the adopted little brother of the DFW.
Its birth parents are CO and CA.
Arkansas may have held its hand once.

Psalm 139

I sat down and read this chapter today. It was pouring out of my soul, and I had to sit down and soak it up.

He knows me. He will not leave me alone. He has hemmed me in before and behind. He will slay those who come against Him.

I am truly overwhelmed at the vastness and richness of this passage. He guided me to it even today, and placed His words upon my heart. When I am sure there is no hope He reminds me that He has a perfect plan for me. I am weak and broken, but He is my strength. The joy of the Lord is indeed my strength.

My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust. I stand completely satisfied in Him, wanting in nothing.

What a joy! What a hope! What a peace!